What Search Engine Marketing is all about
What is SEM? Search engine marketing. When we’re talking about search engine marketing. We’re talking about paid advertisement and getting in on the search engines. When someone is searching for a product you pay to get in that ad and it’s primarily a bidding process. Of course, the king of search engine marketing paid ads is Google. So, a lot of people don’t know you could even do this. But it’s a pretty simple process and it’s pretty lucrative for Google.
So, as an example, if you’re selling. Let’s use an as an example if you’re a plumber. I don’t know why everybody uses plumbers as an example. Probably because we don’t know any plumber. So, we’re not offending anybody when we say, plumber. But if you’re a plumber and you want and you’re in Miami. and you want to show up because you still haven’t put your website together and those kinds of things and you just want to just flat-out show up if somebody you know puts “plumber in Miami”. You just pay Google to do that. It’s an auction so the prices are going to vary but it’s pretty much as simple as that.
Now the basic concept is simple. The implementation of it gets a little bit more complex. when we do these types of ads. You want to take a lot of factors into consideration and that’s one of the things that we would do here at well internet marketing in Miami. Couple tips, a couple factors to consider when you’re doing these types of ads. And these are gonna work primarily you know best for like a local. A local business that way you can just you know narrow it down and it’ll be more you know cost effective. But as an example, let’s use the plumber in Miami.
Couple things, one is geographic. You could target by just a radius from a particular location. You can do it by zip code. So, you can narrow down where your ads are gonna show. Because if you’re local you don’t want somebody from you know another County clicking on their costing you a couple dollars and they’re not going to show up. So, that’s one you want to narrow it down geographically by area. The area that you’re gonna serve. The other area that I find that a lot of customers that you know to dabble in this themselves wind up making some mistakes. Is the time you can also determine when these ads are going to show. And that is critical otherwise you’re gonna really be you know blowing a lot of money on ads that are just not gonna get you a result.
So, one of them would be you know if you’re working 9- 5 or 10-6 or whatever is have your ads show on those times. Because if somebody goes there clicks, makes a phone call. You know you want to be there to respond to that. Not only that but even if they were to click let’s say in the evening. It costs you money they can’t get a hold of you by the next day they might be doing something else. So, I find that extremely more efficient to just have those ads run when you’re available you know at that moment.
Now if you’re selling an online product that sells by itself you know 24 hours a day then that doesn’t matter then just can run it all the time. And there are some other strategies you know for that as well. So, those are the two probably biggest areas where newcomers or you know do-it-yourselfers that want to get into AdWords. Make some mistakes and really blow a lot of money by missing those two those two points.
So, those are the tips for you there that’s AdWords. again, also going back to the words there are budgets that you want to put in place as far as how much money you want to spend. Because otherwise, these things could get a little bit out of hand. So, you will create some daily budgets you know 10, 20, 30, 40 hundred dollars a day. And that would be limited to those amounts.
So, for certain businesses where customers are searching and looking for you AdWords is definitely something to highly consider. And again, very strategically very you know targeted. So, it doesn’t show the expense. It doesn’t get out of hand.
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