Do I need SEO?

  • December 20, 2017
  • SEO

Basically, do I need Search Engine Optimization?

The answer that would be yes to some degree or in an another. At least in today’s age unless you’re selling a local item on a small street corner in a small village where everybody knows where you’re at and you don’t sell anywhere outside of that. So, that pretty much excludes, you know, kind of that scenario. So, the answer would be Yes! You know to what degree, you know, do you have to spend a thousand dollars a month or ten thousand dollars on SEO to be found.

Well, that really, you know, depends on your competition and your product. But at the very least, if you have a zero SEO meaning you know maybe you’re not even being indexed by Google. You want to be found for at least your name. So, that would be the very minimal SEO that you would want somebody that knows your name ABC. Well, everybody uses plumbers as an example, I don’t know why but let’s just go with that. ABC plumbing. If somebody at least can remember your name ABC plumbing. Maybe they want your phone number. They want to check if you do something specific. Users should be able to put ABC plumbing and you should come out.

They may have to add, you know, a city to that if it’s a… you know, pretty generic name. I’m sure if I put ABC plumbing, I’m gonna get all kinds of stuff. But that would be at the very least and if you have a no SEO. If you’re not being indexed at all. You won’t even come out in that search. So, that would be the minimal minimal SEO that you would need.

Now from there, you go to.

Are you a local? If you’re a local business and you want to get found then you wanna at least.. that would be like the next level which would be… you want to be found for plumbing and I’m gonna use Miami in this example. Plumbing Miami. You would want to be found for that. And where are you gonna be is a critical element. You want to be on page 1. Each page typically is going to have ten, what they call “organic search”. Meaning the natural search.

The free search that comes out. Normally there’s about ten. Sometimes you’ll do a search and they’ll populate twenty of those but for the most part, you want to be in the in the top ten. Worst case scenario, page two. So, top twenty organic ranking, that should be a goal or kind of an end goal, to begin with.

When I say the organic searches or organic results is because you have ads at the top and then you also have map searches that come out.

So, everything gets kind of like bumped. Bumped down from there. So, that’s the bare minimum.

And then, of course, the next level would be if you got a national product then you would want to just be found for…. let’s say if you had a national plumbing company. You would want to be found for just straight-up plumbing or generally, there’s another… depending on your product you would probably want to, you know, rank for like the best plumber. And no, with a plumber people are gonna use locally. But let’s say with another product generally the words best or if you have a product where people are going to compare you would probably want to rank for kind of reviews, things like that.

And show up in those type of searches. But here, just a quick answer to that question do I need SEO and the answer is Yes! In what, you know, to what level do you need SEO? then that depends obviously on your product and on your service area.

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