SEO for ranking
Hi, everybody. I wanna talk a little bit more about SEO. And let’s talk about what everybody out there pitches as far as getting you ranked. When we say ranked we’re generally talking about the first page, that’s where all the action is. And actually, the first you know.
Five positions, six positions I mean the clicks and the results declined drastically even by positions. But generally speaking, you know we’re talking about top 10. And we’re talking about top 10 organics because on your typical search page or in your search results you’re gonna have two to three ads on the top. Then, you’re gonna have the map which they call kind of that used to be a six-pack. Now, it’s kind of like a three-four pack. So, you can have the map, which on the map there’s a there’s some there’s. And typically, in the map as well. And then you have some naturally occurring SEO as well.
Then, from there we start going into the position one. So, you know position one has been gradual, you know going further and further down. So, I mean you could have position one right now if you think about if we if we count that and said we have three ads. And if we had just three map listings that would be six and that’s not a good day. So, position one is really position number seven. So, you definitely want to be in there in the top. You know, four five six but definitely I mean in general we’re talking about the ranked first page.
Now, a lot of people out there all you know claim and promise first-page ranking. But I mean that’s a pretty broad term when someone says they’re gonna put you on page one of Google. The question is for what term are you gonna rank for. That’s the critical part and I mean myself. You know, I get emails, and I get calls, and walk-ins and you know for people pitching that.
More in the past and they’ll come in and say I’ll get you on you know page one. And I’ll say for you know what term. And they’ll tell me typically they’ll say for you know for my company name. So, you know if that’s what they’re pitching that’s not really. You know that that difficult to do you know. You’re gonna write. You should just know basic SEO without really going with twenty extremes. You should be able to rank for your you know name unless you’ve got a really generic name.
Usually, or sometimes they’ll tell you some you know weird turn but the goal really is you know to rank in a relevant search. It all starts with you know your product and then how are people finding your product what are people searching for. So, as an example, I’ll use this example for a nutrition store that we’re working with one of the things that I look forward I mean it’s a nutrition store.
I think you know we definitely want to rank for nutrition store, which we’re doing because that’s what we are. but there’s not really a lot of search for that term. you got a nutrition store. If you have sort of sports supplement store, you’ve got vitamins store. You know, those are different generic terms for. You know, kind of describing this the shop. But they don’t really have a lot of search volume. The big search volume is on GNC which is General Nutrition Center. So, while you know you always want to rank for this general term. So, we’re doing that really, we need to try to get into a GNC rank.
In this case, you know it’s really trying to just get in front of the customer because there’s a similar product. So, somebody’s searching GNC and we can get kind of in there that that would be. You know that would be positive now. I’m not saying that’s what we’re gonna that’s our strategy because frankly, that’s a really tough strategy because there’s so, they’re so huge and nationwide, that’d be a difficult strategy. So, you know we find some other niche or off the. You know create a little bit different strategy in it to get in there possibly doing something, some AdWords and getting in on the GNC searches locally. But that’s not the point of this of this book.
Getting back again you want to be page one. So, the top ten of the naturally occurring, or what we call organic search you want to rank for a relevant term for your product and you want to rank for a term that actually people are using. So, those are the keys they are a lot of different strategies. It’s kind of hard to promise when people say I guarantee you page one, that’s a pretty bold statement most people that are really good at what they do they don’t promise that.
The other part is that it takes a long time. You know if you get started and you want to be on page one for. I’m in a relevant term that has any type of decent try search traffic. you’re looking at about. You know six months maybe you get lucky two-three months. But it’s a long you know, it’s a long-term project to get ranked in there. And there’s really no tricks. All the tricks have been kind of burnt down.
You know, there might be some tweaks and things like that but all that crazy stuff that they used to do back in the day, or gone really the goal is. Just have you know the best make content, the best answer to the question, that the customer is looking for. And if you just focus on that Google your page one.
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