Website Optimization
Get your site running fast and smooth.
Make your website more user friendly, as well as make it easier for search engines to index your site. Optimizing will make your site easier for search engines to rank and to be found when somebody looks for your service or product.
There's a lot of tools to enhance your site’s speed like where you're hosting your site. If it’s a shared environment then your site’s resources are being spread out for different users, leaving less for your site. Using your own private server is a critical factor as far as your performance. There are also other tools to utilize such as caching and a CDN (constant delivery networks) just to name a few things that we could implement to better your site.
Server Optimization
Content Delivery Networks
Utilize Browser Cache

Server Optimization
Content Delivery Network

Utilize Browser Cache
Well, that's a pretty broad question. So, for a broad question, we're gonna get a broad answer. It's hard to look at that. Or I would recommend not looking at that way.…
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