Well, that’s a pretty broad question.
So, for a broad question, we’re gonna get a broad answer. It’s hard to look at that. Or I would recommend not looking at that way. Because you could spend $300 a month on SEO. And you could spend $500 one shot to do a couple of things. You could spend $10,000 a month on SEO. So, it’s a very broad area. So, it’s hard to pinpoint. It would be like saying as a just weird example is how much for a car? Where you can get a $500 jumper. Or you can get a Lambo for 250. Or whatever they’re going for, nowadays!
So, when approaching that question what I would recommend is to take a look at your budget. First to take a look at whether SEO, whether online marketing is for you. And that nowadays is gonna be nine out of ten. I always, you know, put that out there. Because it really depends on your product. You could still have a product where the SEO is not your primary marketing.
Means maybe you have a product, where you know doing a direct mail is gonna work probably. Not going to be common. But I’m just throwing those out there. Maybe you have a product for which Facebook marketing is gonna work better. Maybe you were selling honey. And you just get on a street corner and sell honey and that does great. So, you’re not gonna use your website for that. And you don’t need SEO. Right?
So, I just want to get all that out of the way. Or somebody said well I don’t need SEO. Maybe not! But if you do, you want to do your online marketing. Set a budget aside. Take a look at your financials. And start with what are you willing to invest in it. And that’s where you would start. I say well, what’s the best bang for my buck. I would try to set aside or come up with a monthly budget. And that way you can kind of have an idea and a constant improvement in your SEO. And we’ve talked before about it.
That it’s something that is not just ‘do it one time and bye-bye’. You want to continue to work on it again. We’re talking about being on page 1. Just because you’re on page 1, it doesn’t mean you’re gonna stay there. I mean generally speaking if you’re on page 1 and do nothing. You’re not gonna be on page one for long. Because everybody else is working on page 1 just like a treadmill. You gotta just keep going and going.
So, set yourself a budget that you’re going to be comfortable with. Really shouldn’t have an expectation of a return. I would say for at least six months. You’re going to kind of have that in the back of your mind. You’re not going to put you know $300 into it this month. And expect to get $300 back. This is just not the way that works. There are other things that may work like that. I would say if I had to throw some numbers on there. Depending on the size of your business. Sometimes maybe a local business that wants to set a budget. I would say anywhere between $300 to $1000 a month. Something like that. I think you’d probably get you started.
When I say $300, I’m really just talking about the basics. And it also depends on where are you starting from. If you have your website already. Kind of SEO as far as the technical. SEO where you already have some content on there. Technically the wording doesn’t have errors and that side is good. Then it’s a matter of just building up links. Creating some more content and tweaking. That’s something that is definitely obviously more affordable than starting with a website that has 27 problems. And would spend the first month or two just fixing all those problems. To then be able to take advantage of the SEO.
So, the summary of the question how much to spend is as much as you can. Based on, again, your budget. Presuming you’ve already established that this is the primary means of customer acquisition for your business.
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