Questions and answers about web hosting
So, one of the questions often asked to host is about hosting. Should I host my own server? Should I get on a shared server?
We have what’s called virtual private server .so, you’ve got a whole you know, a variety of different options there.
And you know questions about who is the best server?
All those kinds of things come up in the beginning. And this is something that you know should be decided kind of towards the beginning. You know, to avoid later on you know shifting back and forth from companies and you know incurring all that you know that that kind of work and expense.
The other question related to that is you know: should I host with the person that’s building my website?
A lot of companies offering Web Services are gonna ask you self-hosting services. And they’re gonna want you to get possibly on their hosts. They may even have added in a household. So, that’s we’re gonna address today.
So, on the topic of hosting with your web provider, I mean with your developer website person SEO person company. Frankly, I don’t recommend that we don’t offer them not because you know we can’t. because it’s the simplest thing in the world, is to just resell space either, you know make a server which really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, or even resell it on somebody else’s.
But I recommend that because I believe that, you know the customer. You should have access ownership everything. As far as all your content and the ability to you know hire and fire your developer, you know including if that’s us. Where once you get onboard with other, your web developer on their server. And if you’re not satisfied, I mean something kind of you know goes amiss there. You might have some challenges you know, getting off of their server. Who knows you know all kinds of things can happen.
They got a little bit you know too much control on their side. They might have some leverage over you know trying to keep you onboard. You know you might incur some extra expenses to do that. You know that what a business. Who knows, there’s a whole host of prompts. Oh no! I would go with you know your own. I mean you could get their recommendations and all that but I would have full ownership on your end to that server.
If you’re not happy with the provider you know you get rid of them, find somebody else. And they don’t basically, you know hold you hostage. Now, that’s gonna sound a little strange, coming you know from a company that from up from me. It’s one of the providers but I believe in that open exchange. One is because it gives you the freedom. And two it makes me to a really good job. Because I have no you know the only way I can keep you as a customer is by providing value. You know not by holding your server hostage.
So, I’m for that topic. The neck then the other area is going to be you know shared private server all those kinds of things. So, there really, it’s going to depend on a little bit of the budget. Even though hosting nowadays, has become like pretty dirt cheap.
So, there a couple things to think about if you’re really just starting off. And you don’t have you know the kind of like a web developer. if you’re kind of like on your own, you’re probably gonna you know have to go with a shared service. Just because you know you’re not gonna have any managed management to do or anything like that. They’re gonna just the company whether it be you know GoDaddy, Bluehost, Gator, any of those. They’re gonna manage all that.
If you have any issues you’re gonna have somebody to call. But the preferred method which is kind of in the middle is, what you call a virtual private server. It’s an independent server but it’s kind of shared, but not you know completely shared as in the fully shared. so that’s a pretty good distinction. Right. Wrong.
Let’s go back to that when you do a virtual private server. you basically get yourself a little chunk of that server. So, you actually have X amount of space, 40 gigs, 50 gigs, 60, so hungry your RAM is dedicated. So, while the full server is not dedicated, you do have allocated resources for it. As opposed to a purely shared. It’s just everybody’s on there. And you know if you’re on there on a block and other people are getting massive traffic. You’re gonna get slowed down those kinds of things.
So, the virtual private server cost a little bit more. They do have that managed, which if you don’t have a developer that can assist you with that, you probably want to go with a managed service. And then of course, if you get really big then you’re gonna have your own. You know server with full-blown resources and at that point. Yet, you’re probably gonna have you know web developer administer. Well, an administrator working all that.
So, those are the three different ones. And for this recommendation and go with a virtual private server with some type of maintenance, unless you have your own developer or administrator.
Now, the next thing a reference to that would be you know what host, I mean everybody says, they’re the best of the fastest. They’re the everything. But I mean you’re only gonna know once you get it up and running.
So, there what I would do is, just basically test some of those sites. there’s plenty of tools, you can use ping dumb. Contact those companies you know maybe you can ask them a couple of sites that are on there, or there are some other tools where you can find you know some sites. Just test them out you know run some speed tests on their sites. And really, you know how they’re performing. Because that is critical.
You know you could be on a shared server that they’re just you know cramming everybody in there and the performance pretty much thinks. Or you could have you know another vendor, that you know it’s kind of managing that and allocating resources or allocating you know customers to their as necessary .so, the only way you’re going to know that is basically running some tests on their site.
I would ask them straight up. You know they might be able to just provide all that for you when you know call them up. Say you know, how do I know you? Know how your performances?
And they could probably provide you know some of that. So, that’s critical, as well test amount doesn’t wait. You got you know your whole website transferred over and then find out you know that this. That what basically, what they’re doing is just you know cramming everybody in there and it’s running like a dog.
Okay! So, I hope that helps you. Need any help you know who to call – wow internet marketing!