Getting Reviews

How to get reviews

Hey guys! I want to talk a little bit about reviews. I’ve said in the past how important the reviews are. One obviously is for clients to see that you’re great. And if you’re pumping reviews then you better be great otherwise you’re going to be in trouble. But aside from thatGoogle is going to look at that. And probably give you a bump worth a couple of points here and there. So, to speak on rankings, you want to have that little boost as well. One of the tips I want to give you today about reviews is creating a shortcut.

There are different ways of doing that. Creating a sub-domain is just one. I mean there’s a couple different ways of doing that but whichever way you decide to do it is fine. Basically, what we’re saying is instead of telling people “Hey! Go to Yelp and give me a review” and then they have to go to Yelp and find you and all those kinds of things. Or if you send them an email saying “Hey thanks for your business. If you’re happy with the service and want to share it here’s places where you can review us. And then provide easy to access links to the review. In that case, it becomes a little bit easier because you could just put the links right there.

With easy links, rememberable links are better. Following my recommendation, here is what we do. What we do with our clients is we create a subdomain; a subdomain is just basically an address. So, it could be So, it becomes easier to remember that. Or you could create a page as well. So, we’re gonna use PC911 again as an example. It would be,, That’s a simple process, a simple step that you could take just to make it a tad easier.

Reviews are really hard to come by, you have to make them very easy for people to do them. Because everybody is busy and even though it takes a few minutes. Nowadays getting three minutes from somebody just out of the blue is difficult. Of course, the best way to get a review is when you do an outstanding incredible job, people want to reciprocate. They want to give back, and to thank you. That’s one of the best ways to do that.

Speaking of the reciprocity, part of getting reviews is another part that we need to keep in the back of our mind. Actually, not in the back of our mind, more in the front of our mind about reviews. So, when you’re with a client and they say wow great thank you so much, you want to tie that in to review, share that. Many times in businesses you see a client, they thank you and say things like wow you saved my life. And nothing happens after okay, great thank you.

“You saved the day” is the time to say hey,  how would you like to give us a review? Can you share that on your social channel on Facebook? Whatever the case, you’re depending on the person and how much rapport you have. But the point of this section of the reviews is to create that trigger in your mind. Create that link in your mind that when somebody is thanking you – not just a regular thank you, of course. You should just suggest that “hey, if you find this online tell us how we did” or different ways you want to approach that.

But when they really go overboard with something like “Wow! I can’t believe you really got this done. You went out of your way, I’m gonna tell all my friends.” A bell should go off in your head saying yes, can you tell who your friends on Yelp? Can you tell your friends on Google? Can you tell all your friends on Facebook? I mean not in those words, but I’m getting the point across. Create a link that in your head when you hear praise, then ask for that review.

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