Importance of website content
Today, let’s talk a little bit about content on your website. One of the biggest factors in your ranking and frankly assisting customers coming to your website. Is the information on there, people are coming to your site to check your prices? To check your product offerings and sometimes they’re coming to get information.
So, depending on your industry those are the things that you want to be providing. Google looks at this as the be filter in trying to determine what to provide the customer search. So, that’s where if you want to be found, you just really need to answer kind of that question. For example, if somebody is putting air conditioning repair prices, Google is gonna look at the sites. They are looking for that kind of information pricing. It could be pricing comparisons. Or it could be actual prices and it’s going to look for that kind of stuff on your site.
If they are doing a search that says air conditioning free on comparison then again that’s what they’re going to be looking for on your site. You want to try to think of your customer and if you’re in business. That’s something that you wanted to regardless whether it’s for ranking or for just general business. Otherwise, what does your typical customer you know come looking for? And some easy steps for that just take a look at your phone calls. That you get what are people calling you about.
Are they calling you and asking you for a price? Or are they calling you and asking you for a warranty? What about calling you and asking you for what categories of products etc.? And that could give you an indication of a similar scenario what people are searching for when they’re online. So, you want to have content answering those types of questions.
Content. The content is generally, one of the biggest challenges most people are thinking well you know, information-wise, I mean pricing wise, that that’s kind of straight up. And category wise, I mean you know what you’re carrying but when it comes down to informational that’s where people get a little bit kind of stuck. But most businesses and most you know entrepreneurs; most business owners let’s say are you know fairly not knowledgeable about their products. So, it’s a matter of getting that information online.
Now, the challenges you know business owners are not editors and getting all that on paper is a huge challenge and that’s one of the things that we specialize in and really focus on because it is a tough one. So, we have some different ways of doing that again depending on your industry it could be video as one way, it could be audio and it could be just you know straight up text infographics. There’s a lot of you know different options for content on your site. And then again going back the right one is going to be based on how your customers are looking for this. As an example, if you’re doing a how-to video on how to you know to repair a kitchen sink or something like that just to grab something out of a hat they’re probably a video is gonna help.
So, you can actually see you know this screw or this hole etc. Or an infographic as well which is pictures with a little description pictures and a little description. But if you’re just giving let’s say you know financial advice, we really don’t need any pictures if you’re just recommending. Let’s say a stock or something you know to that effect.
if you sell products and basically, it’s just an informational type item then you know good detail text descriptions. If you’re selling let’s say a vitamin. you know what the bottle looks like. Which doesn’t really matter as much but probably the label ingredients etc. that’s gonna be key.
So. different ways to approach it. We look at your product, we work with you on determining. you know who is your customer and how are they searching? And then we provide a plan to get you found and really you know to solve the customer’s problems on why they need your service.
Content and PPC go hand in hand. Learn how you can utilize them together in our PPC article