Rather listen to this article? Click here Talking to your audience Hey everybody! Today I want to talk a little bit about using the right lingo, the right language, the right wording when targeting your customers in your marketing. Whether it be email, social media regardless. Now in some fields, there’s certain lingo and words […]
Rather listen to this article? Click here Hey guys! So, today I want to talk to you about Free. What can we offer for free? Everybody wants something for free. But again, you know if you want something for free it has to happen some type of value. You don’t want to give out junk for […]
Rather listen to this article? Click here How to start looking for SEO Hey guys! So, today I want to talk a little bit about finding the right company to do your SEO. Or could be you know some of the other internet marketing strategies that you may be looking to implement. So, one of […]
Rather listen to this article? Click here Utilize Facebook’s tools Hey guys! So, a little follow-up. We spoke yesterday about your email marketing to your current clients being that’s the low-hanging fruit current clients versus going finding a new client. So, a little follow-up to that is your social media. Let’s use Facebook as an example. […]