Tips & Tricks for Content
Hey guys! So, I want to talk to you today about or give you some tips on a content creation. Which is one of the things that we do over here at internet marketing? And it’s gonna be one of the keys to your success you know, ranking getting up there. Because aside from links ranking a content create… content is gonna be the second biggest factor. I think it’s one also that you can easily control. I think even easier than links.
Depending on your industry sometimes, links are just really hard to come by. You can’t just set out and say I’m gonna get you know ten links. But you could decide to say hey! I’m gonna produce ten pieces of content. You know, you can decide to say, I’m gonna produce a piece of content per week. And I think that it would actually be easier than you say. Or then we saying or strategizing. Let’s get one you know link per week. Your kind of don’t have full control over that or have you had very little control over that.
The other part is that the content can help you get the link. So, let’s say, I’m gonna go out there and get links which is another subject. But that becomes you know difficult to do with no content. What are you gonna get a link for? So, content creation becomes you the top of the list to really get your SEO, your ranking and your… Basically, all your activity going on with your website. Because if you got good content then you start marketing your content. And that is gonna generate links for you.
So, let’s get to the topic of content creation. It’s generally looked at as one of the toughest but frankly. I don’t think so. If you’re a business owner you’re probably good at your craft. You probably know your craft weight really well. So, that is gonna become your content now. You know, starting from scratch if you sit down and you said, okay let’s put ten pieces of content. Sometimes, it’s not easy to just whip that out of a hat. So, here’s a tip for you – create a Q&A page or create ten questions that customers are always asking you about.
And all businesses are gonna have you know this type. If you’re a landscaper people are gonna ask you how often should I fertilize my grass. How tall should I let the grass before I cut it? You know, no matter what you’re into if you are into… If you’re a plumber you know there’s gonna be questions about that are their ways that I can save more water.
Just things I have but the bottom line is just asking you or take notice of one phone calls. When people are calling you. What are they calling you about? Are they asking questions? And typically, you’re gonna find that there are certain questions that people just keep asking about. Aside from obviously, your hours and all those kinds of things. Also, when people are coming in, what’s you know very common that people are asking you for. Let’s, say on you know computer repair which we do work with. People are asking you, how do I make my computer faster? How do I avoid a virus? Those are you know common questions asked every day. How do I shop for you know computer? What’s the most important part of a computer? things like that.
In nutrition, another company we work with, that’s the probably one easiest one. How do I lose weight, get more muscle and get more energy? So, those are your content pieces right there. You’re Pro and you’re answering them already people are asking You. And you’re answering them already.
So, that’s a quick tip for you on creating content. Of course, it’s easier said than done. So, if you can’t do it give us a call. Because we got some strategies on how to implement all that. And get it on your pages. and boost up your ranks. Get Google to start liking you.
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